Song of the Day 03/01/2010

March 1, 2010 at 7:30 am (Free, free song, mp3, music, qotd, song, song of the day, sotd) (, , , )

On this day in 1810 – Composer Frederic Chopin was born.

SOTD:  Passion Pit – Sleepyhead (Remix)




Question of the Day:

What was your one ‘must have’ in your cart at the grocery store this week?


  1. Nicole said,

    Chex Mix…I think I had about 4 bags this weekend. I did share, though, with my niece, nephews, and son!

  2. nattya61 said,

    Baby food and double-stick tape. Not necessarily to be used together.

  3. pencil2paper said,

    Cadbury Eggs.I think I bought them three times. I’ve been sick for two weeks, and they were the ONLY thing that made me feel better. 😉

  4. Kel/y_H said,

    Love Sleepyhead 🙂

    Popcorn. Not microwave popcorn, the kernels in the bag popcorn. I eat it for dinner a lot, because I love it and there is no one but my dog to criticize me for it. Except when my boyfriend asks “Did you eat popcorn for dinner again?”

  5. spochran said,

    Shampoo, because I was almost out.

    I really need chicken to go on sale this week so that I can restock. I try to buy all meat during sales.

  6. sabreryan said,

    Chocula. And dog treats.

  7. agrimeyhippie said,

    organic carrots, potatoes, and apples. and filtered water cause spfld water is like chlorineade.
    i eat popcorn for dinner sometimes too kelly… usually with a big glass of milk, and sometimes with some PB&J or a chunk of cheese.
    i also like to add sugar and cinnamon sometimes and have it as dessert.

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